WWE: 5 Reasons A Kofi Kingston Heel Turn Would Be A Good Thing

2. Kofi And Punk Reunited

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDoOSW8WKss Back in 2008 Kofi Kingston and CM Punk were on top in WWE. Punk was champion, Kingston was Intercontinental champion and together they were a formidable and exciting tag team. Punk went on to become one of the all time greatest WWE performers of all time whereas Kofi hasn't really progressed, except for the aforementioned feud with Orton in 2009. It's no secret these two guys are great friends behind the scenes and if WWE were to throw them back together as running buddies (not necessarily a tag team) the rub from Punk could do wonders for Kofi's career as a heel. Hell, Punk's the kind of guy who would have a brief run with the tag team straps if it helped get one of his own over so why not give them the straps for a while? Maybe they could feud with Kingston's old partners R Truth and Evan Borne?

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.