The 2014 Royal Rumble winner Batista is now a heel in WWE. If you didn't think he was after Raw, you will after you see Smackdown. While I won't give anything away for those that have yet to read about it or see it, trust me when I say he's found his evil ways again. With that in mind, it's time to think about Batista's future as a heel in WWE. As of right now, he's still scheduled to face off with Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30. My feeling is that somebody will be added to the match somehow whether it's Daniel Bryan or the returning CM Punk. I don't see Orton going face anytime soon, so heel vs. heel won't work. That's another column for another time, though. This is about Batista and his future in WWE. We know he's signed a two year deal with the company because it was mentioned when he initially signed. Whether you like him or not, he's going to be around in a prominent role while he's there. For those that think they wouldn't turn him heel because he's starring in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie this summer, just think of it this way. He can be that cocky heel that brags about how he's a movie star and he's better than everybody else. People will see the movie if they want whether he's heel or face. The face side of the roster is strong right now and could be stronger with some turns coming soon, so here's a look at some potential opponents for him. For the most part, they will be fresh opponents so a guy like John Cena won't be here. It's about doing things to help Batista as a performer.
John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.