WWE: 6 Internet Favourites That Made It To The Top

4. Eddie Guerrero

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkx-p_JpYyk Eddie Guerrero was never supposed to be a top guy in WWE, but he developed into one because he had a special relationship with the fans. That's what was so amazing about his rise. He was such an outstanding heel, yet it was in WWE where he got to show off his personality where the fans really started to love the guy. He was always loved among internet fans because much like the other guys on this list, he was a world traveller. Eddie was very successful wrestling in Japan and Mexico along with his run in the US. He made a big splash in ECW where he had a very famous 2/3 Falls match with good friend Dean Malenko in August 1995 that is still talked about to this day. I can remember in my tape trading days of the late 1990s when I got my hands on that match. Really made me take notice of Guerrero. Much like a lot of the talented guys in WCW, Eddie was underused there. He should have been in major storylines. Instead he was stuck in the midcard with no chance to move up because he was seen as being too small. It's not like his rise in WWE was sudden either. It took four years for him to become a main eventer. Part of the reason it happened was because Smackdown ratings were really strong whenever he was on the show, so WWE saw that and started to feature him more. It wasn't just the online fans that loved him. It was everybody. That's why when he beat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title at No Way Out 2004 it was a celebration for the fans as well as him because the guy that wasn't supposed to be there was able to do it. His death is one of the saddest subjects for any fan to talk about. We all knew the story of how he struggled with alcohol and drugs, then he overcame his demons, succeeded and became the man only to pass away tragically at the age of 38.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.