WWE: 6 Non-Attitude Era Events That Cost Linda McMahon The Election

5. Having a Live Sex Celebration Preformed by the WWE Champion

Running a campaign on good family morales? Not best to have your opponent show you run on a show based on the promise of a live sex celebration then. Edge, after cashing in the Money in the Bank at New Years Revolution 2006 on John Cena to win the WWE, told an interviewer on WWE.com that he and Lita would have "hot, unbrideled, sex" in the middle of the ring on RAW the following night to celebrate his victory. On said RAW, the Live Sex Celebration was advertised throughout the entirety of the show as the main event. When it came to the act, first we were treated to a Edge Promo. The best part of this promo was Edge proclaiming he "snuck in at night and took what he wanted", analogy of how he also stole Lita, and the closest Matt Hardy ever came to relevancy. Then, we got what we promised. In true WWE style, we were treated to a soft-core action whilst cheesy porno music played in the background. This lasted for about ten minutes of under the cover action (which somehow we still managed to get a Lita nipple slip), we had the last thing in the world this segment needed. Ric Flair came out. And The Nature Boy was looking for some action. To cut a long story short, he wanted Lita to ride Space Mountain. To end the segment, Flair tried to enter the ring, Edge cuts him off, and beats him down with a chair. John Cena makes the save, and gives the then-named FU to Lita (who managed to clothe herself by this point). In the final proof that all wrestling fans are perverts, the segment drew a 5.2 rating, the highest in a year for RAW. At the very least, thank god Edge stopped Flair turning it into a threesome.
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When not at his occupation of being a time-travelling shoe saleman, Patrick likes to waste his time watching Wrestling and playing Video Games.