WWE: 6 Non-Attitude Era Events That Cost Linda McMahon The Election

4. Katie Vick

You saw this one coming. I'm very tempted not to really write anything about this angle, for it is incredibly stupid. To paraphrase CM Punk, exposure to this is likely to turn you to alcohol and drugs, and now he's too busy trying to get respect, there may be no-one out there to save you from the binge required to eradicate this from your mind. If you want to dare potential brain damage, let me try to the best sum it up the storyline. Kane, pre-unmasking, becomes the no.1 contender for Triple H's World heavyweight Championship. Triple H, in his supreme ultimate heel role that he played for 3 years, decides he's going try and find something in Kane's past to use against (and considering the confusing state that is Kane's past, that's some task). So Triple H finds out that Kane had a girlfriend by the name of Katie Vick who died whilst dating Kane. What Triple H deduces from this is that Kane killed Katie (which, despite this being Kane, isn't exactly the most shocking revelation . Kane would deny such an act, but Triple H, sadly, would go further. Triple H would then tell the wrestling world that not only had Kane killed Katie, but he also preformed sexual actions on her deceased corpse. Kane was a necrophiliac and now the world knew! To further prove his point, HHH showed a video of himself in a Kane mask preforming sexual intercourse with a mannequin in a coffin just to prove how twisted Kane really was. Not sure how that was suppose to help Triple H win his match against Kane though. Maybe Triple H should of been taking this evidence to the police and getting him arrested, instead of angering a potential 7 foot, 350 pound killer who may desecrate your remains Hunter. Incidentally, according to those in the creative team at the time, only 2 people ever though that this storyline was a good idea. Those two men were Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn. Dunn is still employed by the WWE, just if you were wondering.
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When not at his occupation of being a time-travelling shoe saleman, Patrick likes to waste his time watching Wrestling and playing Video Games.