WWE: 6 Reasons Triple H Knows More Than You Do

6. He Got Out Of The Ring While Still Healthy

Triple H B Professional wrestling is a very tough business. The life is not for everyone, as the road schedule separates a talent from his family for months at a time. But the most difficult aspect of being in the business is the physical toll it takes on a guy's body. Triple H was no stranger to this, as he had his fair share of injuries during his career. And like the many old school workers that he idolized while growing up like Ric Flair and Harley Race, Hunter wasn't concerned about the pain or the damage he sustained. This was his dream and he wanted nothing more than to be a lifer in the industry. But The Game took a step back from the ring. Perhaps realizing that his day as a top money making star had come and gone or maybe understanding that it was time for a change, Triple H chose to no longer work as a full-time wrestler. Now his body can heal and while he cannot reverse the wear and tear that years of taking bumps has caused, the fact is that at least he is no longer inflicting any more damage on himself. Basically, The Game quit while he was ahead. Triple H was in a better position to stop than some others who came before him. And while he has always been accused of having an ego that could not fit through the door, Hunter instead chooses to leave the wrestling to the current generation of Superstars. However, that does not mean he cannot still go; the fact is that getting out of the ring allows The Game to be fresh and prepared for any match that he wants to be a part of. He can continue to be a presence on the air, occasionally work matches, while also ensuring his future physical well being by saving his body. Very smart indeed.
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