WWE: 6 Reasons Why Triple H Shouldn't Hate Online Fans

1. It's Beyond Stupid To Insult Customers

If you're in any business, no matter what kind it is, you shouldn't be insulting your customers in any way. When it comes to WWE, the customers are the ones that the performers are catering to. The customers are also the ones that are paying the salaries of the performers because without that money coming in there's no business. In Triple H's defense, his promo was done as a heel that was ripping on the fans in a sarcastic way, but it's probably not too far off of what he really feels. Why say it? To get heat. And it certainly got that. He also said it because he wanted fans to think about what they say before they "tweet their displeasure" at him. He needs to think about what he says too because if he insults the fans he's making a big mistake. A lot of people don't like John Cena because he wins most of the time - it's understandable - and in addition to that, we should really be respecting him not only for the hard work he's done in his career, but also with the way he deals with a crowd. They boo? So what. He smiles. He laughs. As long as you're getting a reaction that's all that matters. Cena gets it. That's why he's so successful at his job. The WWE as a business isn't going to be hurt by Hunter's comments at all. They will be fine. The only problem is that when Hunter is out there insulting fans just because they disagree with him he comes off as a bitter executive. My personal opinion of Triple H is that he's a hard worker that has earned everything he has in his life. Major respect for that. However, he needs to be more open minded in terms of how he reacts to online fans and treats them because in the end we're consumers just like everybody else. If we weren't fans, we'd stop watching. Since we're watching, please entertain us. Simple as that. Do you think Hunter's beef with the online fans is well-placed or over-blown? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
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Troll Hunter
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.