WWE: 7 Failures With Sheamus' Return

2. He Hasn€™t Cut One Promo Since He Returned

This is the main character of a WWE midcarder. Except for the App/WWE.com or whatever it is these days, and if he cut a promo there, I missed it. It€™s irrelevant anyway. Well, still, when someone is an irrelevant midcarder, they normally hardly have a character, and thus they don€™t cut promos. Since his return, this has been Sheamus€™ case, again. You know that things aren€™t going anywhere, or that at least WWE isn€™t sure where it€™s going yet, when a guy doesn€™t cut promos. You know, after returning for so long, shouldn€™t the guy have at least one interview on screen to tell how his recovery has been, what his objectives are, or things like that? This goes along with the fact that the guy hasn€™t been put in any immediate feud and hasn€™t been doing anything new. The reason why the guy€™s return has been so boring is mainly the fact that is simply has been treated as a midcard return! There is only one thing that hasn€™t been mentioned yet that made his return even more disappointing.
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Student, podcast host and editor, WWE enthusiast to say the least. After so many years watching WWE and discussing about it online, I have some knowledge about this particular field. Newcomer to the world of written publications.