WWE: 7 Reasons To Be Excited (And Nervous) Over Daniel Bryan's Heel Turn

6. The Wyatts Could Be WWE's New Anti-heroes

It's coming. Though I'm not sure whether it's the right time for a Wyatt face turn yet. The Wyatts have already teased problems with The Shield, and The Authority was never going to be able to control Bray and his minions for that long, anyway. They're like a cooler Ministry (with beards), and there's no Undertaker-like shadow to hold any of these Mideon-like (what? I happen to not think it's a bad comparison) athletes back. We could easily see Bray Wyatt as a regular main eventer in a year or so. Luke Harper certainly has the most potential as a singles competitor, and much more than a lackey. With Erick Rowan, his skills aren't as clear to me yet, but there's certainly room for growth and development of his character. That's the future - maybe a year down the line, and there's a big future for all three of these hairy dudes. Together though, for now they're a mean force, and one that (in my view) makes for much more interesting viewing (and listening) than The Shield or any other faction to grace our screens over the last few years. I for one am gunning for a battle of wits between Wyatt and Ambrose, or indeed Wyatt and Bryan against Triple-H, Kane and The Authority before SummerSlam. The possibilities for this type of scenario seem endless right now, and to me, it's pretty exciting to think about the opportunities that lay before Bryan at this point. After Raw, this week, I'm particularly excited to see how Wyatt and Bryan work together, and who they will be put against at this early stage - I think it'll be interesting if the WWE dives straight in, has the duo destroy a team and take a shot at the champions, or The Shield.

Soundspheremag.com editor. Also marketing and PR manager for The Creative Condition (@conditiontweets), a disabled entrepreneur, and huge wrestling fan. Thanks for reading!