WWE: 7 Reasons To Be Excited (And Nervous) Over Daniel Bryan's Heel Turn

4. It's A Damn Good Storyline

Wwe Daniel Wyatt It's been a long time since a WWE storyline has had me this excited. I mean, the questions (and potential stories) that are firing up right now are intriguing, some of which draw on points already discussed here. Did we just see a proper heel turn, and the first big surprise of 2014? Will Bryan work within the Family for the good of the WWE Universe (and his devoted fans), or will his membership lead to their turning anti-hero (face) as they fight The Authority's machine, and all of their perfectly sculpted champions like Orton and Batista? With the Old-School Raw happenings, I'd like to believe that the anti-hero angle will work out. You can see the fans itching for an excuse to cheer for Bray Wyatt at the moment (much like they do with Roman Reigns in The Shield now), and it will be interesting to see the reception that the pair get when they team together for the first time? I'm pretty interested in the plans overall, and now with discussions online heading towards Wrestlemania hinting at a Bryan versus Taker match (which the Undertaker is rumoured to have personally requested), the heel turn makes more sense, and a Wyatts versus Taker promo war looks good whichever way you swing it, doesn't it? Imagine this for a sec, Taker makes his return, the lights go out, The Wyatts get in the ring and beat him down prepping for a Yes! Lock and Bryan on the mic, "Follow the buzzards, Taker. See you at Wrestlemania." Or something like that. At the same time, a potential Undertaker feud could spark jealousy in Bray Wyatt himself, and prompt another Bryan face turn after Wrestlemania leading to a steady title run towards the end of the year. At this point, anything's possible.

Soundspheremag.com editor. Also marketing and PR manager for The Creative Condition (@conditiontweets), a disabled entrepreneur, and huge wrestling fan. Thanks for reading!