WWE: 7 Reasons To Be Excited (And Nervous) Over Daniel Bryan's Heel Turn

Now Follows Reasons To Be Concerned...

3. Is There Even A Real Plan?

From the very first moments of this storyline, it's been a bit like, err....beard versus beards for some. It's almost like WWE's Creative Team just thought, "Why not? It's easy, let's stick 'em together. When Big Show came back and started his vendetta against The Authority, it sort of felt to the outside world - and probably to some of the athletes on the inside - that WWE were trying to figure out what to do with the pint-sized hairy guy that everyone likes and cheers for. To be fair, putting him with The Wyatts has certainly helped them to elevate their profile, and develop as in-ring performers, but it's possible that's as far as they meant to go, and that Creative are still working on what happens next with no solid plan, with the focus being on Lesnar going for the title, a possible Shield break-up, and the impending return of Batista. So far, the whole thing reminds me a bit of CM Punk's Straight-Edge Society, which we'll talk on a little more in a minute, but where that failed, this could really work €“ because we're not talking about terrible characters and sub-par performers like Luke Gallows now, we're talking about Wyatt, Bryan, Harper and Rowan, who know how to, without even saying a word send chills down the spine of audience members. And that is real skill. The WWE could easily throw it all away early on, with Bray Wyatt falling out with Bryan next week, and Harper and Rowan beating him down to teach him a lesson. In order for this whole thing to work, Bryan does need to be given a chance to teach Harper and Rowan, to mentor them and put Wyatt over; that way he can become a devious "monster" like Ministry-era Undertaker.

Soundspheremag.com editor. Also marketing and PR manager for The Creative Condition (@conditiontweets), a disabled entrepreneur, and huge wrestling fan. Thanks for reading!