WWE: 8 Best Moments Of 2013

6. Crowd Interrupting HHH

Triple H B WWE's booking decisions often astound and confuse many of us wrestling fans. From the constant pushing of the Bella Twins to burying Damien Sandow and Dolph Ziggler, they have us pulling our hair out all year long. Yet, one night on Raw, a hostile crowd decided to fight back. No longer were they going to be force fed a feud they had no interest in and listen to another long and angonsing promo from Triple H. They made their feelings clear who the number one guy is and who should have been competing for the Undisputed title. As constant chants of Daniel Bryan and Yes filled the arena, Triple H stood there dumbstruck, waiting for them to finish, and boy did he have to wait a while.

Sab Sangha hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.