WWE: 8 Best Moments Of 2013

5. Goldust And Cody Win Titles

Goldust Goldust has been lobbying for a match against his brother Cody at Wrestlemania for a while now. Whilst he wish hasn't quite been granted yet, the next big thing he could have hoped for is a lengthy tag team title run with his brother. The Cody getting fired angle is one of the shining lights that has come out of terrible 'Authority' storyline this year, as it contributed to his triumphant return in capturing the gold with Goldust. This wasn't just a sentimental moment, it was tag team match of pure quality; something which has been a rarity in recent years at WWE. The match told a story of two very different brothers, getting a second chance at glory and achieving their goals.

Sab Sangha hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.