The British influence in WWE has never been stronger. You have a plethora of British stars in WWE & NXT, including multiple-time champions and a few who WWE are hoping can be huge stars for the future. You have an influx of stars from independent promotions in Britain. With WWE offering more and more tryouts to talent from the UK, the opportunity to become a WWE superstar has never been greater for the Brits. In addition, you have the fans. The hardcore, smart fans of Britain who have continually helped shape the entire creative direction in WWE on several occasions the past few years. With the British core faithful making the trip to Wrestlemania every year, WWE is faced with the massive issue of booking their biggest show around the UK fans and have bailed out on long-standing plans for the previous two years. As such, this influence of Britain in WWE has led to calls for a UK PPV such as a Summerslam or even just a B-show louder than ever before. The 4-6 hour time difference between the UK and the US is the main antagonist to that particular story as WWE would not want spoilers potentially hampering a major show, meaning a UK PPV would have to air live in early to mid-afternoon in the States. Still, if the calls continue to come and WWE feels like they can make major dollar out of such an endeavour, there's a chance they might take the risk and host a major show in the UK before too long. With that in mind, here are the 8 matches WWE could book to make the perfect UK event in the near future. Potentially one of their greatest PPVs in history.
Betting on being a brilliant brother to Bodhi since 2008 (-1 Asian Handicap). Find me @LiamJJohnson on Twitter where you might find some wonderful pearls of wisdom in a stout cocktail of profanity, football discussion and general musings. Or you might not. Depends how red my eyes are.