WWE: 9 Most Frustrating Aspects Of The WWE Network

7. Censored Language

This is a bit of an interesting bag, because it really only applies to certain events. What the actual criteria is for censorship remains a mystery too. Upon starting up WCW Spring Stampede 2000 the introductory video package makes no effort to clean up Vince Russo calling Ric Flair "a piece of s*** on the bottom of his shoe", and more that I really can't repeat here, but during some heated ECW bouts that very same word is censored when slung in the middle of competition. It only gets stranger, as the entire ECW One Night Stand match with John Cena and Rob Van Dam contains no language censorship; for reference Philadelphia tore Cena apart with R-rated language and offensive sexual innuendos. Any time an actual wrestler utters the F word on a microphone however, it is bleeped. There just isn't much consistency or justification for a lot of the language censorship, and it really hurts ECW programming specifically. F bombs were dropped during practically every promo in that promotion. For perspective, RVD's nickname was actually The Whole F***** Show. Oddly enough, Vince McMahon calling John Cena the N word was left untouched though. Wouldn't WWE want to eliminate racial slurs - regardless of the fact that it was done in a humorous context - aside from F bombs in programming that is already rated TV-MA? The kicker to all of this though is the fact that there is that a rating system is in place along with parental locks. So why not just leave all language uncensored, especially for the more adult oriented shows? It's highly unlikely that the ECW faithful will drop money on a service that neuters the content they adore.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.