WWE: 9 Most Frustrating Aspects Of The WWE Network

6. It Doesn't Work Yet On Most Devices

There is simply no other way to put it, other than it is nearly impossible to watch anything from a device that isn't a PC or laptop. It isn't necessarily perfect either on PCs and laptops, but playback issues are something we'll be touching on more in depth later. IPhones, iPads, and various gaming consoles won't even begin playback. A common error screen is usually given, stating the media cannot be retrieved at the time. Whether this is a problem with the Network or the architecture of those devices remains to be seen, but it is an unsettling red flag nonetheless. It's something that will hopefully be fixed by WrestleMania 30, as the idea of watching the biggest show of the year on a laptop isn't exactly the most enticing prospect for most fans out there. Ideally, it seems that WWE would want the Network functioning properly on every television ready device by then.
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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.