WWE: Are These 9 New Reality TV Shows Coming To The WWE Network?

5. WWE Prankdown

Easily the worse named show of the bunch, WWE Prankdown is pitched as a practical joke show featuring WWE Superstars pulling tricks on unsuspecting members of the WWE Universe. The example given was John Cena and Randy Orton both shopping for an expensive car and getting into a brawl at the dealership, only for the big reveal to show that the damage that they caused was all apart of the show to trick the unsuspecting fan. Basically, what we're looking at is WWE's version of Punk'd but with the celebrity "punking" the fan. It could make for some pretty funny moments. It could make for some pretty stupid moments. It's also probably the easiest show to implement without disrupting any WWE star's schedules. Of all the pitches, this one seems most feasible. I can picture Vince McMahon giving this the greenlight right now. It fits right into WWE's comedic stylings.
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Matt Binder hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.