WWE: Are These 9 New Reality TV Shows Coming To The WWE Network?

4. WWE Rescue

WWE Rescue is presented as a WWE reality show where talents visit the homes of WWE's biggest fans and help them with personal or business problems. We're told to "think Restaurant Impossible meets Nanny 911." Seeing WWE fans' days made or lives changed thanks to a WWE Superstar can make for some great TV. You'd have to be a terrible human being to not feel a little tingly inside when you see a WWE video package that shows a young WWE fan filled with tears of joy as they meet their favorite WWE Superstar. Add a fan's backstory and a problem that needs solving and WWE could have a hit on their hands. Instead of a "Restaurant Impossible meets Nanny 911" type series, though, a much more successful way to approach this show would be using MTV's Made as the model. If you remember the MTV Made episode that featured Kurt Angle, you'll recall it as being a standout moment from the series. It's a more serious approach, but there's also a bigger payoff in terms of the quality of the content being produced.
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Matt Binder hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.