WWE: 9 Most Out Of Shape Wrestlers In History

8. Haystacks Calhoun

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzSuM2OsykQ William Calhoun was one of the biggest drawing cards during the Golden Age of wrestling in the 1960s. Billed at over 600 pounds, Calhoun was a special attraction that caused people to pay their hard-earned money in order to buy a seat. Already weighing in at over 300 pounds when he was 14 years old, Calhoun sought to get as big as possible and allegedly ate over a dozen eggs for breakfast every day. On a televised variety show, Calhoun displayed his strength by throwing bales of hay onto a loft. This earned him the nickname "Haystacks" and word spread to wrestling promoters about this giant with a calm demeanor. Calhoun traveled from territory to territory, become a well-known celebrity and engaging in a legendary rivalry with Dick the Bruiser. Haystacks even helped make Bruno Sammartino a star when the Italian strongman was able to bodyslam the 600 lbs. monster. He even captured the WWWF tag titles in the early 1970s while tagging with Tony Garea. Ultimately, his biggest asset, his weight, was also what ended his life so early. Human beings simply aren't meant to be 600 lbs. and he died at the age of 55 after losing his legs to diabetes. WWE has since honored Haystacks Calhoun as one of their top 50 superstars of all time.
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