WWE: 9 Most Out Of Shape Wrestlers In History

7. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bam Bam Bigelow The "Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow basically set the standard for a super heavyweight wrestler who was agile and could fly off the top rope. However, Bigelow also shortened his life by maintaining his weight and lifestyle. Sporting a bald, tattooed head and a weight of well over 390 pounds, Bam Bam Bigelow made his WWF debut and quickly became a popular fan favorite due to his size and agility. After a brief stint in Jim Crockett Promotions, he returned to the WWF in 1992 as a heel and formed an odd pairing with Luna Vachon. After a weird feud with Doink the Clown (which featured a Survivor Series match pitting Bigelow's team against four Doinks), Bigelow got his biggest push of his career and attacked NFL legend Lawrence Taylor. Taylor and Bigelow main evented Wrestlemania XI and turned babyface after his loss. It was the pinnacle of his career but, unfortunately, Bigelow's career stalled out after 1995, forcing a move to ECW and another heel run. Bigelow's career was very profitable and he was one of the more recognizable stars of the 1990s. However, with how agile he was in the ring at nearly 400 pounds, imagine how great he could have been if he was around 300. Bigelow certainly left his mark on the industry but his weight and lifestyle cost him much more.
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