WWE: 9 Most Out Of Shape Wrestlers In History

1. Happy Humphrey

http://youtu.be/Op31eg2rfds?t=1m15s With a body type that resembled Humpty Dumpty and the lung capacity of a 5 year old, Happy Humphrey was the largest wrestler in history. Averaging around 750 lbs. for his career, Humphrey managed to break the 800 lbs. mark on a few occasions. Seen as almost a sideshow attraction, Humphrey was nevertheless a box office attraction. His rivalry with the equally fat and disgusting Haystacks Calhoun sold out Madison Square Garden for Vince McMahon Sr. during the Golden Era of wrestling. His immense weight caused him numerous problems throughout his life though. Restaurants would refuse to serve him, he got stuck in movie seats, and most embarrassingly, he became stuck in a phone booth and required 8 police officers to rescue him. In an effort to lose weight, he had 100 lbs. of fat surgically removed from his body but he quickly gained the weight back due to his eating habits. Famous for eating up to 15 chickens for one meal, Humphrey ballooned to over 900 lbs. and could not take 10 steps without needing to rest. He checked himself into a Georgia weight loss clinic and was placed on a doctor-monitored diet to control his weight. Two years after he checked himself in, Humphrey left the clinic weighing 232 lbs., having lost almost 600 lbs. during his time under doctor's care. Humphrey looked forward to living a normal life away from the ring and got himself a civilian job. Like most stories in wrestling, this one does not have a happy ending. Unable to curb his eating habits, Humphrey gained back most of the weight he lost in the clinic, ballooning back up to over 600 lbs. and dying of a heart attack in March 1989 at the age of 62.
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.