WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Aug 14)
Scooby Doo and Saxton Too!

This week in professional wrestling, we saw Damien Sandow make his TNA debut, Billy Corgan become the president of the company and one of the richest men in all of entertainment showing up on Raw to make an inquiry about a man’s injured testicles.
Maybe it’s just me, but I can't help but feel that New Day are still kind of heels. During that Diddy segment, Xavier Woods walked into the scene and proudly announced that he was the host of “The highly successful Youtube channel Up Up Down Down!” and then carried on with his conversation. If someone yelled about how great they were in your face, would you not dislike this person? Be more subtle about your bragging, like Mick Foley, Xavier!
Also on Raw, Sasha Banks showed that she’s the dumbest WWE babyface since Dolph Ziggler put his SummerSlam title match on the line, when she told Foley that she was worried about Dana getting involved in her title match, so she wanted to fight her and Charlotte in a handicapped match! What? That's one of the worst ideas ever. Luckily Mick made her fight for her idea, but she would only get if if she lost. So...no. None of that makes sense.
And lastly, Brock Lesnar delivered one of the lines of the year when he stated "Nor do I give a f**k about Randy Orton." It's like he read my mind!
But let's not waste anymore time. Let's not all be a bunch of stupid idiots as we Codebreaker our way through WWE and TNA's worst of the week!