WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Dec 27)

4. Revenge In 60 Seconds

You know, in my day a kidnapping used to mean something! Here is the story of Kane the past few months as told by WWE storylines: October 25th, he lost to Seth Rollins in a World Title match. October 26th, he was kidnapped by The Wyatt Family, under the orders of Bray Wyatt himself. Then he returned with his brother to defeat the stable on November 22nd, and then mysteriously disappeared for a month. Upon his return, from wherever he was, he was finally going to get his hands on the man who ordered his kidnapping one-on-one on Raw and...no one cared. No promos leading up to the showdown, no nothing, both sides just pleasantly showed up. Kane and Bray had a one minute match, and it was all set up to just to lead to another Team Extreme tag match with Kane cast in a supporting role. What is wrong with this company? From a storyline standpoint, this should have been what The Big Red Machine has been waiting for, to get his revenge on the leader of the evil smelly hillbillies who beat him and abducted him! It's the classic American tale. Now kidnappings in wrestling are silly. There's too many unanswered questions, like where did they keep Kane? Were the living conditions more uncomfortable than his portal to Hell? Did they feed him? What kind of cereal did he have? How did he escape? But if you€™re going to do it, go all in! Have Kane talk about what happened to him, and how he can€™t wait to destroy Bray. Otherwise, don€™t book the match! It just undermines the entire prior angle to do it half-assedly. WWE literally put more thought into the LOL Slammy skit (because they lamely spoofed the Steve Harvey incident) than they did Kane€™s return. Kind of sums things up.

As Rust Cohle from True Detective said "Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you're good at." Sadly, I can't solve a murder like Rust...or change a tire, or even tie a tie. But I do know all the lyrics to Hulk Hogan's "Real American" theme song and can easily name every Natural Born Thriller from the dying days of WCW. I was once ranked 21st in the United States in Tetris...on the Playstation 3 version...for about a week. Follow along @AndrewSoucek and check out my podcast at wrestlingwithfriends.com