WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Jan 18)

5. Macho Breaking News

This just in, TMZ is reporting that WWE is obnoxious! Or at least I€™m reporting that. On Raw, we were hit with the news that there just might be an announcement of Randy Savage entering the Hall of Fame that night! Wow! Wait...what the? How does the company itself not know if Savage is going in or not? It makes no sense. WWE had graphics airing at the beginning of the show saying he might go in. Well who put that video together, and who put the video package together of highlights of his career? Weren€™t they the same team? And what if it wasn€™t true? That would be quite the awkward situation. Would the Oscars air a segment with the host saying TMZ reported that next year William Shatner will get an Honorary Award? No, because it's stupid! You would think WWE could just make even one thing make sense these days. Please. Just one?

As Rust Cohle from True Detective said "Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you're good at." Sadly, I can't solve a murder like Rust...or change a tire, or even tie a tie. But I do know all the lyrics to Hulk Hogan's "Real American" theme song and can easily name every Natural Born Thriller from the dying days of WCW. I was once ranked 21st in the United States in Tetris...on the Playstation 3 version...for about a week. Follow along @AndrewSoucek and check out my podcast at wrestlingwithfriends.com