WWE Announces Several Big Segments For This Week's SmackDown

Bray Wyatt is back, and that's not all...

AJ Styles Intercontinental Title

WWE revealed three segments they have on tap for this week's SmackDown during last night's episode of Raw.

Firstly, Bray Wyatt will make his return to the blue brand for another helping of 'Firefly Fun House'. It's believed that Bray will reignite his feud with Braun Strowman; Braun's mini-issues with The Miz and John Morrison were blatantly a distraction that'd let WWE stall for time and pad out Backlash. They were never going to run beyond that.

It wouldn't be a shocker if Wyatt challenged Strowman to a rematch at Extreme Rules, or if the rivalry extended beyond that into SummerSlam season.


Also on SmackDown, the company will run a celebration for AJ Styles. The new Intercontinental Champ beat Daniel Bryan on last week's show in a thumping match that went almost 40 minutes. Perhaps fans will find out who's next in line for an IC Title tilt there?

Finally, and perhaps less impressively, Mandy Rose will appear as a guest on Miz TV. Brace yourselves for a little feud between The Miz/John Morrison and Heavy Machinery after that.


No matches have been confirmed for the show as of yet, but Matt Riddle is set to make his SmackDown debut this week and will probably wrestle.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.