WWE Attitude Era Faction To Be Rebooted In New Storyline?

Figure Four Newsletter editor Bryan Alvarez has heard from a backstage WWE source that a new Nation of Domination style storyline group could be in the works. It has been suggested that WWE have been planning this route for several weeks after we witnessed a string of African-American superstars be mercilessly decimated by the monster heel Rusev. Amongst the victims of Rusev has been Kofi Kingston, R Truth, Xavier Woods and now Big E. Coincidence or not? WWE could put those men together in a faction where they stand together as one. The common cause would be similar to that of the original Nation Of Domination faction, a group of men united by their pro-black pride. One big difference is that the new Nation would be a face group. It could work well that way, the original Nation was a 'black panther' style extremist faction, but the new one could be a good guy group which Americans can be proud of as they fight the Russian representative in Rusev. Something the new faction could do with is a figurehead. Perhaps Mark Henry could be added to the mix given that he was in the first Nation and would bring legitimacy to it. Henry has developed into one of the most assured acts on the microphone and is also much better in the ring, the group would really benefit from having a former World Champion at its groundwork. Rusev vs Henry, giant vs giant, sounds a sure fire PPV match. Another thing WWE could do is look to NXT for a charismatic young upriser for the faction. Just take a look at what the Attitude Era group did for The Rock. We already have factions such as The Shield, Evolution and The Wyatt Family on Raw. Another group to build feuds with would be most welcome, keep your eyes out for the rebooted Nation Of Domination perhaps coming to your screen soon.
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