WWE Backlash 2016: 10 Things WWE Got Right

4. The Miz Retaining His WWE Intercontinental Title

Dean Ambrose AJ Styles

Since the post-WrestleMania episode of Monday Night Raw, The Miz has been WWE Intercontinental Champion. That was the night his real-life wife Maryse also made her return to screens, and she's been ever-present by her husband's side since then. Coming across as sneaky, arrogant heels, the pair are a riot together.

Dolph Ziggler was the latest threat to Miz's title tenure, but he was written to lose out in another championship match on pay-per-view. In the end, this was the best course of action, because there was really no need to remove the belt from The Miz. As champ, he has a trophy to complement his snide behaviour.

Best of all, Maryse was the one who cost Ziggler his chance to become the new champion. Spraying some sort of substance into Dolph's eyes, the model-like blonde paved the way for Miz to capitalise. This kind of cheap win only builds heat, meaning Miz should theoretically pop the crowd when he inevitably drops the gold.

For the time being, he's the man who merits the Intercontinental Title most on SmackDown.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.