WWE Backlash 2016: 10 Things WWE Got Right

5. Bray Wyatt Taking Out Randy Orton

Dean Ambrose AJ Styles
WWE Network

Hours before Backlash went live on the WWE Network, those readying themselves to tune in to the pay-per-view were left alarmed by what was being posted on social media. Not cleared by medical staff for his advertised bout against Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton would have to miss out on the show.

At that point, WWE had a decision to make. They could turn the proposed match into an angle, or they could find someone to replace Orton. In the end, they went with a mix of both options, choosing Kane for a No Holds Barred clash with Wyatt, but also writing Bray to take out Randy earlier in the evening.

Cameras rushed to the scene of the crime, arriving just in time to show Wyatt slamming Orton's leg in a nearby door. Slinking down the wall opposite his brutal attack, Bray looked pleased with his handiwork. Right there and then, the message was loud and clear. Randy wouldn't be making it to the ring for a marquee match.

Their hands tied, the writers made the best of the situation. Even though he was set to lose out to Kane, at least Wyatt got to beat up his most recent foe.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.