WWE Backlash 2016: 10 Things WWE Got Right

2. Booking AJ Styles As The Latest Dean Ambrose Foe

Dean Ambrose AJ Styles

AJ Styles has been a tremendous asset to the WWE roster since arriving in January, 2016. Fans were delighted to see him as a surprise entrant in the annual Royal Rumble match, and AJ has just went from strength to strength since then. Turning heel a few months ago was the best thing that could ever have happened to his career in the promotion.

Matches with John Cena brought out the best in Styles, and it appears WWE's top brass felt the same way. At Backlash, he was handed the WWE World Title as a reward for his hard work, but that doesn't tell the full story. Even before he shockingly bagged the gold, AJ Styles was the right man to go up against Dean Ambrose.

As champion, Ambrose needed strong rivals, and there are few more viable amongst the SmackDown ranks than AJ. Management knew they could hastily shove Styles into a program against Dean and get results, including a fine headliner at Backlash.

That was definitely the case, Styles and Ambrose worked well together. Irrespective of a crowd-pleasing title switch, AJ was tremendous foil for Ambrose.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.