WWE Backlash 2018: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

9. WWE Smackdown Women's Title: Carmella (c) Vs. Charlotte Flair

WWE Backlash 2018 Carmella Charlotte

Result: Carmella kicks out Charlotte's knee and rolls her up for the win (9:00).

Rating: This was a mostly boring match derailed entirely by its atrocious ending, because in what world does it make sense to have Charlotte beat Asuka's streak, only for Charlotte to lose clean to Carmella the next month?

The rest holds made this fairly short match feel stamina-drainingly long, Carmella's trash talk was total Cringe City, and even the generally reliable Charlotte put on a totally lethargic performance (seemingly catching the same whiff of bulls*** fans did).

It'd be hilariously awful if it wasn't such a depressingly braindead way to book talent. Where is the consideration for the basic tenets of storytelling? It made no sense and practically everyone hated it. 3/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.