WWE Backlash 2024: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

7. Naomi Screws Bayley Over

WWE Backlash 2024 France Cody Rhodes

Speaking of swerves for the sake of swerves.

Naomi has been Bayley's best buddy since the ex-Damage CTRL leader went good again and vanquished old stablemate IYO SKY at 'Mania. Meanwhile, main roster newbie Tiffany Stratton has acted like the counterpoint to all this merriment. The ambitious former NXT star has zero time for Naomi and Bayley being besties.

It's clear that Naomi is being squeezed out of the title picture after Backlash, so keep a close eye on her behaviour throughout the match. There's every chance the returnee will start acting a wee touch heelish during select spots. Or, WWE will go all in on Naomi turning out to be another snake Bayley can't trust.

Stratton winning the Women's Title feels inevitable, but the build towards that victory is everything. It wouldn't be very satisfying if she grabbed the gold due to Naomi f*cking over Bayley. Similarly, Bayley is only just getting started as champ and deserves better.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.