WWE Banned List - Why You Can't Say These 23 Terms

1. Misc Inside Terms

Randy Orton Edge

Rather than jotting them down individually, it'd be wise to group some miscellaneous terms under the one umbrella. The reasons why they're banned in WWE are all pretty similar anyway.

Phrases like heel, babyface, blown up, shoot, rib, mark and more are all noted on the 2008 document passed down from the desk of one VKM. Those insider words have no place in WWE, at least not in front of the cameras, and they're never to be said by the announcers.

Don't expect to hear a heelish Corey Graves say that Edge was "blown up" by Randy Orton after being out of the ring for nine years. The same goes for Orton - you'll ever hear an announcer say, "Oh, Randy turned heel on Edge".

What do you think of these typically banned WWE words and phrases? For more content, check out 10 Wrestlers Who Purposefully Deceived Promoters and 10 Times WWE Tried The Same Failure TWICE!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.