WWE Battleground 2014 Results Predictions

4. Tag Title Match: The Usos Vs Erick Rowan And Luke Harper (2 Out Of 3 Falls Match)

The Usos retained their titles last month in an action packed match over Rowan and Harper. This time around it's 2 out of 3 falls. That should be great for us fans - a longer match and more action. The result should see the team of Harper and Rowan emerge as champions. The Usos have held the belts for over four months, they can't really get much more out of the reign. The Wyatt Family however could really benefit from the tag push, particularly since leader Bray is busy being a singles star against Chris Jericho all summer. Another thing about Harper and Rowan is that they really are quite brilliant in the ring. They brawl, they mat wrestle, they high fly. It really is extraordinary for big men to be as technical as they are. WWE should support that with an elevation as tag team champions. The way it goes down will be designed for maximum drama. Wyatts win the first fall, Usos capture the second one, and finally the Wyatts get the job done with an exciting close finale. Winners and new tag team champions: Harper and Rowan
WWE Writer

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