WWE Battleground 2014 Results Predictions

3. Bray Wyatt Vs Chris Jericho

It feels like WWE have mis-booked this match a little. It's so obviously a SummerSlam main event. Its presence on Battleground feels a little forced, it feels a little bit too soon. The whole contest would have meant so much more if it had been played out over a number of weeks. Not to say it will be a bad match, technically and athletically it will be first rate. It just isn't quite where it should be creatively, the story isn't quite red hot. The action will hopefully make up for that, the last time Bray was in the ring with a worker of this calibre was Daniel Bryan - that was back in January and is still quite probably the best match of 2014. Jericho could give Wyatt a similar style match. Quick, athletic, combative action. Mix in some hard hitting spots and a few ring dives, this really could be something special. The thing is, we all know it is just a chapter in a bigger book. They're heading toward SummerSlam, so the logical finish is that Bray wins the pin and Jericho demands a rematch. Being a heel and doing what heels do, the victory probably won't be clean. Winner: Bray Wyatt
WWE Writer

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