WWE Battleground 2017: 8 Things WWE Got Right

2. The Great Khali Surprise

Jinder Mahal The Great Khali

No, the prospect of more Great Khali matches peppering SmackDown isn't appealing. Just how long before he's squashing the likes of Sami Zayn, Tye Dillinger, and Mike Kanellis, for example? As much as we shudder at that thought, at least it was topical to bring Khali back in time for the Battleground main event.

Khali was the one who introduced WWE to the Punjabi Prison, so it made sense to have him slowly trundle out, shake the outside cage and prevent Randy Orton from winning the WWE Title. Hopefully, the fact Khali and Jinder used to be enemies will be addressed in coming weeks, but the actual return was a decent surprise.

Mahal needed an out that was bigger than The Singh Brothers this time, and Khali was that man. Complaints on social media about the screwy finish need a second thought; did anyone really believe the Punjabi Prison was going to end in a clean win for either Mahal or Orton?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.