WWE Beast In The East: 13 Things You Might Have Missed

8. Finn Balor's Back

It's not taken long, but it's already become a cherished tradition at big shows for Finn Balor to apply a ludicrously ornate amount of body paint, transforming him into The Demon, or as he would pronounce it, 'Da Deemon'. As usual, he looked amazing, but fans might have missed what was on his back. First of all, it wasn't just any old picture of a devil, it was an Oni, a traditional Japanese creature, usual depicted as a demon with a red face and fangs curved outwards. Also, fans might have missed the lettering on his back. The letters on one side read - 'Ž‹', which translates as 'Prince'. The other side read - '”', which roughly translates as 'Demon'. Demon Prince. Considering that Finn Balor's wrestling name in Japan was Prince Devitt, yup that all makes sense.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.