WWE Beast In The East: 13 Things You Might Have Missed

7. Kevin Owens' Masterful Heel Work

It's time to call it. Kevin Owens is the best heel in, quite possibly, professional wrestling today. He just makes it look so easy and he's constantly coming up with new ways of being annoying and disrespectful. Did you spot them all? Let's see, you had him pitching onto the entrance ramp the ceremonial flowers given to competitors before a title match. When the streamers rained down on the ring, he barked at the Japanese stagehands to clear them, remarking 'I like a good CLEAN ring'. He mocked the crowd with disingenuous bowing, a slight on their formal conventions. He shouted to the crowd, 'you want to see him?', then threw Balor out of the ring. He trolled the crowd by preparing for a big move by running the ropes, then dropping down and doing a simple chinlock, shouting 'I do what I want.' He shouted as loud as he could, "I don't care, I hate this stupid country and everybody in it!" At the end of the match, despite the fact that the ref could've counted to 20, he held up his fingers gesturing that it was a 2-count. Finally, he refused the handshake. Kevin Owens: earning your hatred and respect.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.