WWE Beast In The East: 13 Things You Might Have Missed

6. Finn Hits His Old Finisher, Announcers Don't Know What To Say

This was a slightly confusing moment. Towards the latter stages of the match, when the big moves and false finishes were coming thick and fact, Balor pulled out two moves that he doesn't usual perform on NXT. He hit his old finisher when he was wrestling as Prince Devitt, a lifting single-underhook DDT called Bloody Sunday, and briefly before that, an inverted version of the same move. The fans popped huge for the moves, obviously because they've been seeing them for years, and initially Michael Cole went crazy for the moves too, but then he stopped himself. It was odd. His initial excitement abruptly stopped and he didn't name either of the moves, calling one 'an homage', but never saying to what. There are a few possible reasons for this. The first is that they don't want to publicise his pre-WWE finishers, but that's less likely since they had dropped the name Prince Devitt and his career in Japan earlier in the night. What's more likely is that either Cole and Byron didn't know what the moves were called, or that, since Bloody Sunday is the name of an infamous massacre that took place in Northern Island in the early 70s, they avoided saying the name. Perhaps WWE don't want kids googling Bloody Sunday and that's why Cole stopped himself, mid-hype?
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.