WWE: Brock Lesnar's 10 Best Moments

8. The Imploding Ring And The Blood Of An Immortal

The Big Show is an opponent with whom Lesnar has proven to have great chemistry. Working with someone Show's size can be a difficult load, but Brock has always been up to the challenge. Two godzillas throwing each other around has always made for an entertaining scrap, and these two often brought out the best in each during their programs. Paul Heyman had betrayed his client and switched allegiances to Big Show, turning Brock babyface in the process. The audience had been dying to cheer him for a while, so the move was only natural. The two mammoths engaged in everything from regular bouts to stretcher matches but nothing would top what happened on June 12th, 2003. After a hard fought battle, the two men ascended the turnbuckles. Lesnar superplexed Show, and their combined 800 pounds caused the ring to collapse on impact. It was an amazing spectacle and such a memorable visual that WWE recreated the exact same moment with Show and Mark Henry once the pro wrestling statute of limitations had passed. Another iconic moment for Lesnar came during a match with Hulk Hogan. The Immortal was in the midst of milking a nostalgia run where he was trying to prove to the powers that be that he was no longer willing to use politics to keep his spot at the top and instead do what was best for business. Not only did Brock kick out of the legdrop, a move that has felled many a giant, but he beat Hogan clean with a bearhug when the Hulkster was unable to answer the referee. After making his way up the ramp, the victorious brute returned to the ring and used Hogan's blood to fingerpaint a Picasso across his chest. It was a frightening.sight and yet another brick in the house of pain that was being built before our very eyes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4GnJvUpsAQ

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.