WWE: Brock Lesnar's 10 Best Moments

5. Iron Man Match vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle is another man who has incredible chemistry with Brock, and.it stands to reason that their similar amateur backgrounds and mutual respect for one another would lead to extraordinary matches. The pair could portray both natural allies and enemies and excel at both roles. In September of 2003, barely more than a year into his WWE career, Angle and Lesnar went toe to toe in an Iron Man match. The object of such a contest is to garner as many wins as possible over your opponent in the allotted sixty minute time limit. Pinfalls, submissions, DQs and countouts all counted towards your point total. The most famous Iron Man match was between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XII, and while hailed at the time as a masterful display, the match hasn't aged all that well and can be quite dull and tedious at times. Typically sixty minute matches were reserved for men with tireless stamina and filled with cool down spots and restholds. When the two amateur legends locked horns for Kurt's WWE championship, a different strategy was employed. Lesnar immediately attacked Angle with a chair, purposely getting himself disqualified but willing to eat the loss of a point because it allowed him to inflict a substantial amount of damage. This was brilliant booking and had Angle fighting from underneath to close the deficit. Brock scored three consecutive points over Angle with an F5, and ankle lock and a countout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D51n5TZY2o4 The Olympic gold medalist pulled to within one point and had his ankle lock cinched in deep when time expired, giving Lesnar the win 5-4. It was a fantastic display of conditioning and wrestling at its finest. Airing the match on SmackDown! where viewers tend to have shorter attention spans was a risk that paid off for WWE, and only caused each man's star to burn that much brighter.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.