The Talker - CM Punk

At the end of the day, whether it be in a member or a manager, every stable needs somebody who can talk. The 4 Horsemen are the greatest stable of all time partly because every single one of the original members could also talk in addition to their own personal roles. However, they also had one of the greatest talkers of all time in Ric Flair. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but Flair was so good on the microphone that he could paint a thousand pictures with a single word. In this business there will always be golden promo men like Flair and in my mind one of the best that there is in this current market is CM Punk. In my previous article about feuds I included a
promo by the Straight Edge Savior. If you go back and watch that promo, then go back and watch CM Punk's infamous pipe bomb promo from Monday Night Raw, then you will know exactly why I have chosen him as the talker. There is just something about Punk with a microphone in his hand that is just pure wrestling magic. Every time he grabs a microphone, I turn my ear to the TV, ready to hear what wonderful story he will weave for me next. Does every stable have these elements? Of course not. The Shield has been very prominent in WWE in recents months, and the Wyatt Family is debuting soon, and neither group has anyone resembling the playboy (though Rollins could fill the role given some alterations). The NWO rarely had anyone who would be considered a ring technician (or at least anyone who wrestled such a style while in the group). However, I believe that these elements provide the make up of a perfect stable. One of the reasons the 4 Horsemen are the greatest stable of all time is because they fulfilled all of these roles. Ric Flair fulfilled the role of the talker, the technician, and the playboy. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard were the tag team specialists, and Arn and Ole provided the muscle. These 4 wrestlers and their manager James J Dillon exemplified what a wrestling stable should look like, and I believe that this grouping I have brought together resembles the 4 Horsemen very well. Disagree? Do you have a better stable for me or better criteria for what makes a good stable? Let me know in the comments below and be on the lookout for part 2 of building the perfect stable, where we will build a stable using wrestlers from the past.