WWE Clash Of Champions 2020: 10 Most Likely Outcomes

1. It Will Be A Disappointment


Your writer will be the first to admit that he didn't have high hopes for last month's Payback event. Coming off the back of SummerSlam with only a week to plan this one, it was doomed to suffer from underplanned stories and a lack of star power. Somehow, someway they pulled a blinder and delivered a rather smooth-sailing event that was, by and large, a success.

It might seem like we're repeating history now by writing them off once more ahead of Clash of Champions, but this simply isn't the same kind of situation. Payback had an excuse for being thrown together at the last minute and WWE managed to give us a tight and concise event that felt anything but; Clash of Champions on the other hand had a month's notice for story planning and yet it boasts an overcrowded card full of matches that feel very underplanned.

You can blame the all champions must defend gimmick for the overbooked card, sure, but the filler-full approach is inexcusable - especially when some of the matches were only added on Monday - when they had four whole weeks to build towards this one.

It's not impossible for Clash of Champions to be an event that doesn't feel like it's going through the motions, but with the amount of last-minute title matches and convenient rematches, it has one heck of a mountain to climb to prove us wrong.

WWE Quiz: How Closely Were You Watching WWE Payback 2020?

WWE Payback 2020 Bray Wyatt Braun Strowman

1. Which Match Opened The Main Show?


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.