WWE Clash Of Champions 2020: 10 Most Likely Outcomes

2. RETRIBUTION Will Cost Drew McIntyre The WWE Championship


There may be an overarching sense of dread that RETRIBUTION will get involved in Clash of Champions and remind everyone about the cartoonish debut we'd all rather forget but there's an even greater overarching sense of dread that they'll get involved in the match that will likely be the main event.

Their first official night of destruction was 'ruined' by WWE Champion Drew McIntyre (though if you ask anyone else, the creative team accomplished that long before McIntyre did) as the Scottish Psychopath led an army of superstars into the ring to get rid of the masked goons.

You know what this warrants? Retribution!

WWE needs a way for the Ambulance Match to end that - win, lose or draw - will protect McIntyre. RETRIBUTION popping out the ambulance and throwing the locker room leader into it in order to get the ultimate revenge on him for ruining their big moment? This has WWE written all over it.

After all, how else are they going to set up the Orton/McIntyre rematch inside Hell In A Cell where nobody can interfere because the cell door is padlocked shut damn it?!

Unless RETRIBUTION turns on Orton too (who knows what their motivations are anymore?), McIntyre's days as champion could be numbered.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.