WWE Clash Of Champions 2020: 10 Most Likely Outcomes

6. The Ladder Match Will Steal The Show


Triple Threat matches have a habit of stealing the show. Ladder matches also have a habit of stealing the show. Throw them together and you have a match made in heaven... and that's before you factor in the king of the Ladder matches himself: Jeff Hardy.

The program between Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles and Sami Zayn is an example of how WWE can make the best of a bad global situation. Zayn being stripped of the title due to him being unable to compete over the past few months has given him a somewhat legitimate claim to the belt, while Hardy being the champion obviously gives him the most legitimate of them all. And then there's former champion AJ Styles who just wants his title back.

With a storyline like that behind them, a Triple Threat between these three could have been exciting enough on its own. Throwing in the Ladder match stipulation and you have the personification the storyline in and of itself: Three men with their grip on the Intercontinental Championship that can only win it by literally grabbing it. And consdiering the talent that will bring that storyline to life in the ring, this one could very well be a show-stopper.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.