WWE Clash Of Champions 2020: 12 Best Internet Reactions To The New Roman Reigns

2. Roman Reigns Has Become A Phenomenal Heel

Many of us knew that Roman Reigns would make a great heel long ago, so it was super frustrating that WWE waited so long to pull the trigger on it. That said, if Clash of Champions taught us anything, it's that it was absolutely worth the wait.

Reigns oozed charisma as he stalked Jey Uso in the ring, essentially behaving like a big bully. And the villainous role came so easily to the Tribal Chief that it's still hard to believe they didn't make the heel turn happen on this sooner - something that a lot of fans were quick to point out online.

In fact, Reigns was so good at what he did during that match that he might even be the best heel in the company right now.

Believe that!


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.