WWE Clash Of Champions Vs. Backlash: 8 Comparisons To Decide The Better Show

7. Best Women's Match

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If you were to strictly judge this one based off the contestants involved, you would probably assume that the triple threat match between Charlotte, Bayley and Sasha Banks was the far superior match of the two. After all, the three are some of the most accomplished female ring technicians WWE has ever employed, enjoy excellent chemistry together and have been the focal point of both the main roster and NXT for the past several years.

Surprisingly, a multi-woman match featuring several green call-ups wound up being the best of the two bouts. Backlash gave us a six-pack match that no one expected to be as entertaining as it was, and not only was the match itself very good, but it also set up and/or furthered multiple feuds, something only the most intricately booked contests manage to do.

Becky Lynch was the star here, but Carmella and Alexa Bliss also handled themselves well, particularly Carmella who had many questioning if she was ready for her promotion to the big stage. Naomi’s new entrance seems to have gotten her over after her flop of a heel turn, and all the girls involved in the bout worked hard and delivered a satisfying ending that had the crowd on their feet.

Charlotte, Bayley and Sasha gave it their all but in the end it wasn’t anything we haven’t seen from them before, and looks to be little more than a vehicle for building toward an angle between the champion and Dana Brooke, something no one other than Dana herself wants to see.

Advantage: Backlash


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.