WWE Clash Of Champions Vs. Backlash: 8 Comparisons To Decide The Better Show

6. Best Tag Team Action

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It hurts me to say this but The New Day is beginning to get stale. Don’t get me wrong, as a collective they’re still three of the most entertaining people on the entire roster, but their act is growing a bit tired and is in serious need of freshening up. That being said, they’re still gifted workers capable of putting on great matches.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are another team that just doesn’t seem to be clicking right now. Maybe it’s because they came into WWE behind a tremendous amount of hype and fanfare, but for two guys who are legitimately hilarious outside the confines of a wrestling show, their promo segments have been pretty cringeworthy for the most part.

It really felt like this was the time to pull off a title change but WWE decided to keep the belts on the champs. New Day are selling a ton of merch so it makes sense to keep them in the spotlight, but Raw’s tag division is quickly stagnating.

Backlash managed to win this category handily. Turning The Usos heel has breathed new life into a team that was spinning their wheels and you can tell the brothers are enjoying their newfound freedom to be the biggest d*ckheads possible. You don’t see many workers pull double duty in the modern era of WWE and they did so masterrfully, making both The Hype Bros and Rhyno and Heath Slater look like a million bucks in the process.

Backlash managed to have the better tag team action without the unit that is arguably the most talented on the main roster – American Alpha – even appearing, is a testament to the great performances of the six men involved.

Advantage: Backlash


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.