WWE Clash Of Champions Vs. Backlash: 8 Comparisons To Decide The Better Show

3. Best Secondary Title Match

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Raw has the unfair advantage of having an additional secondary title on their brand with the addition of the cruiserweight division, and the debut of the thrilling style was one of the main selling points for Clash of Champions. Champion TJ Perkins squared off against one of his former mentors in a bout that was full of nonstop action.

Roman Reigns toppling Rusev was your typical clash between two powerhouses, with the crowd solidly in the camp of The Roman Empire, and while it was a good match it wasn't anything earth shattering. It was a step in the right direction for Reings and hopefully a sign of things to come with him hanging out in the midcard for a while and giving the other talented members of the roster a chance at being the focal point of Mondays.

Backlash managed to serve up some magic with the pairing of The Miz and Dolph Ziggler. No one turns to Miz for ***** classics and Ziggler is at his most effective when he has offense to sell like he's being murdered by a barbarian horde, but the two managed to get the audience emotionally invested while putting together an unexpectedly amazing performance.

Both of these matches are pairings that we've been exposed to on multiple occasions, but one was a pedestrian affair that we'll forget about in a week while the other was arguably the match of one participant's career.

Advantage: Backlash


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.