WWE Clash Of Champions Vs. Backlash: 8 Comparisons To Decide The Better Show

1. Best Main Event

aj styles jump

When you look at the four workers involved in the two main events, you can't really go wrong with either show, although on paper Raw's might have been a little more appealing because Dean Ambrose is clearly the weakest of the bunch. However, when you're paired up with AJ Styles, you'd have to be pretty inept to not at least churn out ****.

Owens and Rollins can do **** in their sleep with a variety of opponents, but unfortunately the main event of Clash felt like it failed to really get cooking. The choice to include Chris Jericho in the closing moments - while good for a few laughs - really detracted from the seriousness of the affair and gave it an unnecessary slapstick appeal.

These two workers, in the primes of their careers, should have gone out and went for a half hour in a match that helped establish KO as the villain that he is and Rollins as the fiery babyface. Instead they both felt hamstrung a bit by the booking.

Meanwhile at Backlash Ambrose went above and beyond his usual performance and absolutely tore the house down with Styles, putting him over after a thrilling match that had the crowd on the edge of their seat and firmly supporting "The Phenomenal One", who was supposed to be the bad guy. The problem is Styles has been so great that it's gotten impossible to boo him, so expect a face turn relatively soon, possibly after a Randy Orton feud.

Both main event matches delivered, but Styles/Ambrose was the jewel between the two.

Advantage: Backlash

So there you have it. With a shocking 7-1 advantage, Backlash was the better show. Do you agree? Sound off in the comments.


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.