WWE Crown Jewel 2021: 10 Things That Must Happen

2. Drew McIntyre Claymores Reigns

Brock Lesnar Paul Heyman

Then, that elusive Claymore Kick.

A p*ssed off Drew McIntyre would rightly be seething after losing to Big E earlier on the card. Knowing he's SmackDown-bound, the boiling Scot should already be looking ahead to see what's waiting for him on FOX every week. That's why he must attack Reigns after the Universal Title showdown.

Think about it: Roman's "island of relevancy" would be under siege from all directions within minutes. His manager, a man he claims he loves and cares about deeply, would've furthered notions that he's actually playing for Team Brock. Meanwhile, Lesnar would've skedaddled with Reigns' belt, and now a fresh challenger has hit the scene.

Paul Heyman's face would be a picture as Roman picked up his jaw following the Claymore. Suddenly, overnight, Reigns' outright dominance of the SmackDown landscape would be threatened. No more slapping around those he considers beneath him for Mr. "Tribal Chief".


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.